You know a good story when you see one. But do you see what makes a good story good? My Ph.D. research at Claremont Graduate University revealed that most fundraisers don't.

  • Fundraisers among North America's largest nonprofits seem to still be writing to a professor who is no longer there rather than to a donor they hope will give.
  • Their writing (based on the evidence of what they have produced) is concept-heavy and story-light.
  • This isn't a long lecture listening to a talking head. It's a very practical how-to writing workshop.

Beyond concepts to immediate hands on practice using our learning loop:

  • See what research found
  • Apply research in class
  • Share what you write
  • Get immediate feedback
  • Get a free review of your next appeal a $500 value)

Cost: $225.00 | Lunch and Parking not included | Free parking is available in the nearby mall

Monday, June 13 2022: The Al Moana Hotel | Pakalana Room | 410 Atkinson Drive | Honolulu, HI | 9 am - 4 pm

To Register Online use the Register Here button:

1. Choose number of attendees

2. Press the Buy Now Button and you will be taken to our secure sign-up page.

3. If more than one is attending, email attendee list to: [email protected].

To Register By Mail:

1. Make check payable to High Touch Communication.

2. Send to High Touch Communication | 7412 Club View Drive | Highland CA 92346.

If You Have Questions:

1. Call me direct at (909) 556-9997.

​2. Or email me at [email protected]

Register Here

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