1.    PUBLISHED in Journal of the Direct Marketing Association Nonprofit Federation: The Way We Write is All Wrong
2.    PUBLISHED in The Nonprofit Quarterly: Writing the Voice of Philanthropy: Fixing the Broken Discourse of Fundraising
3.    UNPUBLISHED DISSERTATION CHAPTER adapted to article format: American Heart Association Case Study
4.    PUBLISHED IN MAL WARWICK'S NEWSLETTER: Debunking the Philanthropy Fairy Myth
5.    PUBLISHED by SOFII (with Ken Burnett): Harvard's University's Failed First Fund Appeal of 1633
6.    PUBLISHED by SOFII (with Ken Burnett): The World's Oldest Fund-Raising Letter Written by Pliny the Younger
7.    RESEARCH PRESENTATION made at AFP International conference: How to Avoid the Five Fatal Mistakes Fund Appeals Make
8.    WRITING WORKSHOP: Narrative Fundraising Seminar: Writing the Stories of Philanthropy
9.    DISSERTATION EXCERPT: Rhetorical Structure and the Neurology of Narrative
10.  DISSERTATION EXCERPT: Writing the Connecting Narrative Moment
11.  GALLERY: Exhibits of Narrative Fund-Raising Formats
12.  DISSERTATION EXCERPT: The Impact of Paratextual Variables on Response and ROI
13.  DISSERTATION EXCERPT: The Best and Worst Fund Appeals From My Research
14.  SIMULATED HANDWRITING: About Computer HandScript Technology
15.  How to Structure Fund Appeals Using the Rubric of Storytelling​
16.  DRAFT: Examples of Linguistic Structure in Right & Wrong Fund-Raising Discourse
17.  DRAFT: Marketing Leadership In The Twenty-first Century
18.  GUEST ARTICLE by William Zinsser: William Zinsser on Good English
19.  OBITUARY: On the legacy and pedagogy of University of Chicago writing scholar Joseph Williams: Joseph M Williams -- A Reader's Writer

20.  GUEST AUTHOR PAUL ZAK: Why Inspiring Stories Make Us React
21.  GUEST AUTHOR PAUL ZAK: The Heart of the Story -- Physiology Predicts Giving
22.  GUEST AUTHOR PAUL SLOVIC: Whoever Saves One Life Saves the World 
23.  GUEST AUTHOR DEBORAH SMALL: Sympathy and Callousness -- The Impact of Deliberative Thought on Donations
24.  GUEST AUTHOR TEHILA KOGUT: The Singularity Effect of Identified Victims

25.  UNPUBLISHED PAPER by Frank Dickerson: The Mind of Philanthropy

26.  UNPUBLISHED OPINION PIECE by Frank Dickerson: The Death of Direct Mail Has Been Greatly Exaggerated

27.  ENDORSEMENTS: What Scholars and Practitioners Say About The Narrative FundRaising Research & Writing Workshop

28.  SURVEY of university-based programs for nonprofit professionals by Frank Dickerson: Evaluating Nonprofit Leadership and Management Programs.

29.  UNPUBLISHED OPINION PIECE by Frank Dickerson submitted to The Chronicle of Philanthropy: About Online Giving

​30.  RESEARCH SUMMARY: Writing the Voice of Philanthropy--A review of doctoral research on the language of fundraising by Frank Dickerson Ph.D.

31. DISSERTATION: Writing the Voice of Philanthropy by Frank Dickerson


1.    Paul Slovic and others: Research on Affect & Emotion
2.    Paul Zak: Center for Neuroeconomic Studies at Claremont Graduate University
3.    Various Fundraising practitioners: Showcase of Fundraising Innovation and Inspiration

4.    William Zinsser's posts at The American Scholar